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This is a compulsory course offered to the III year students of all discipline. This course carries 2 credits.

                                                                                    Value Education

This is a compulsory course offered to the III year students of all discipline. This course carries 2 credits.

Value education is the process of teaching students moral, ethical, and fundamental principles. It aims to help students develop a sense of right and wrong, and to make ethical choices. 

What does value education teach?

     Personal values: Honesty, respect, integrity, empathy, and responsibility 

     Social values: Respect for the environment, equal opportunities, care for health, and critical thinking 

     Environmental values: Sustainability, ecological responsibility, and preservation of natural resources 

Why is value education important? 

·         It helps students develop a clear sense of right and wrong

·         It helps students develop their character and emotional intelligence

·         It helps students develop their personality and citizenship

·         It helps students develop their decision-making skills



How is value education taught? 

·         Through experiential learning

·         Through discussion, story-telling, quotations, group singing, and activities

·         Through times of quiet reflection





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