Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

B.Sc. Programmes

The students of the B.Sc. programmes will be able to

·      Understand the basic concepts in pure and applied fields of science and mathematics.

·      Demonstrate the ability of critical observation, organization, analytical and problem-solving skills.

·      Effectively communicate scientific ideas both orally and in writing.

·      Design and perform simple experiments, analyze data, interpret, relate to the theories and conceive potential applications.

·      Show proficiency in professional, employability and soft skills required for higher education and placements.

·      Work in teams with enhanced inter-personal skills.

·      Appreciate the pluralistic national culture and the importance of national integration and how national development are linked to international scenario.

·      Perceive the importance of social, environmental, human rights and other critical issues faced by humanity at the local, national and international level.


B.Com. Programmes

The students of the B.Com. programmes will be able to

·      Understand the functioning of business, their challenges and significance in the economy.

·      Prepare financial statements and assess the financial position of the business organizations.

·      Create innovative marketing strategies for the success of the organization.

·      Acquire skills necessary to start entrepreneurial activities.

·      Develop social and ethical values for conducting ethical business.

·      Show proficiency in professional, employability and soft skills required for higher education and placements.

·      Work in teams with enhanced inter-personal skills.

·      Appreciate the pluralistic national culture and the importance of national integration and how national development are linked to international scenario.

·      Perceive the importance of social, environmental, human rights and other critical issues faced by humanity at the local, national and international level.

B.C.A. Programme

The students of the B.C.A. programmes will be able to

·      Understand the key concepts in computer science.

·      Program skillfully in any computer language.

·      Analyze and solve mathematical problems.

·      Analyze real world problems and provide computer based solutions.

·      Apply latest technologies to develop applications for various electronic devices.

·      Provide technical business oriented services.

B.A. Programmes

The students of the B.A. programmes will be able to

·      Understand and appreciate the concepts and processes related to their academic discipline.

·      Demonstrate independent learning, analytical and critical thinking.

·      Demonstrate effective oral and written communicative skills in English and a language of their choice.

·      Show proficiency in professional, employability and soft skills required for higher education and placements.

·      Work in teams with enhanced inter-personal skills.

·      Appreciate the pluralistic national culture and the importance of national integration and how national development are linked to international scenario.

·      Perceive the importance of social, environmental, human rights and other critical issues faced by humanity at the local, national and international level.

P.G  Programmes

·         Attain profound Expertise in Discipline

·         Acquire Ability to function in multidisciplinary Domains

·         Attain ability to exercise Research Intelligence in investigations and Innovations

·         Learn Ethical Principles and be committed to Professional Ethics

·         Obtain Ability to manoeuvre in diverse contexts with Global Perspective

·         Attain Maturity to respond to one’s calling